Mudéjares | García-Arenal, Mercedes

Mudéjares 1031 Miller, Kathryn, Guardians of Islam. Religious Authority and Muslim Communities of Late Medieval Spain , Columbia University Press, New York, 2008. Nirenberg, David, Communities of Violence. Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1996. Van Koningsveld, Pieter Sjoerd et Wiegers, Gerard A., « The Polemical Works of Muhammad al-Qaysî (fl. 1309) and their Circulation in Arabic and Aljamiado among the Mudejars in the Fourteenth Century », Al-Qantara , XV, 1994, p. 163‑199. Van Koningsveld, Pieter Sjoerd et Wiegers, Gerard A., « The Islamic Statute of the Mudejars in the Light of a New Source », Al-Qantara , XVII, 1996, p. 19‑58. Wiegers, Gerard A., Islamic Literature in Spanish and Aljamiado: Yça of Segovia (fl. 1450), His Antecedents and Successors , Brill, Leyde, 1994.